Friday, December 2, 2011

Antiques....whoda thunk it?!

Well the other day me and my husband when to the antique mall, he found this rather silly coin bank in the shape of a war tank...

And decided he wanted to go back for it when he gets paid. (I beat him to it and am going to make him think someone bought it and surprise him on christmas).  After i bought it,it was even more silly outside of the glass case it was in, but i thought, Oh well, he likes it. Well, it being an antique mall, i figured i should research to see if i can find anything on it.

So, what I found out was this "silly coin bank" was made in 1942 during WWII And was called the Save For victory Tank bank. The card on the bottom says... " THIS bank will hold $18.75 in quarters,dimes,nickles, and pennies. When full, open and go to the nearest bank or post office and buy a war bond to aid our country's war effort." Freakin Awesome. After finding that out, it made this item so interesting. It was $24.00 and with the box its selling for $200-$400. Just thought I'd share this neat find.

Happy Crafting.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Pink Rain

This was really fun to make. I drew the silhouette onto a canvas and made the groovy pink "rain" out of crayons, by using a hot glue gun. Pretty kewl huh? I got this idea off of a craft website, so i do not claim this as my own, just my own version.

Happy crafting.